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Peripheral Neuropathy
Safe, Effective Nerve Pain Treatment
This following information is from For further information, please visit the site.
The ReBuilder has 23 years of success, and opens the nerve pathways rather than closes them.
How and Why does it do this?
The Rebuilder sends out a "test" signal. This signal is the most common waveform for healthy nerves. (see diagram - #1)
It then waits for an echo -like response.  When the initial signal reaches the other foot, an automatic response signal is sent back to the Rebuilder. (see diagrams below - #2)
Abnormalities in the shape of the waveform indicate issues with numbness.The shape of the top of the waveform indicates the ability of the nerve to deliver the signal long enough for the brain to receive it all.
Abnormalities in the downward slope of the waveform indicates pain, and the shape of the refractory period below the baseline (as the nerve cell repolarizes itself) indicates the ability of the nerve pathway to prepare for the next signal.
The ReBuilder then creates a compensating waveform (similar to the Bose headphones that cancel out the background noise on airplanes). Where there is too much energy displayed, the ReBuilder adapts the treating waveform to reduce that energy. Where the waveform indicates too little energy, it increases the energy in that area. This process goes on 7.83 times every second, sending a signal, analyzing the returning signal, creating a compensating signal, and sending this new signal.
The reason for the 7.83 Hz frequency is that it takes time for the nerve cell to re-polarize (or reset) itself between its transmission of nerve signals. Minerals have to squeeze through little holes in the cell wall, and then return. This takes time. It has been found that if we slow down the treatment to 7.83 times per second, it gives the nerves time to re-polarize and get ready for the next signal. 
The Rebuilder acts much like a pacemaker works for heart electrical signals.
The Rebuilder' s precisely controlled waveform coaxes your nerves to transmit their signals in the proper order.